Please make sure you have plenty of fluids with you if playing on Tuesday. Temperatures are likely to reach all time UK records.
Perhaps surprisingly, given the temperatures predicted for the following day, there was only one match played, a men’s single match between Matias Piazza, a new member this year, and Logan Mair, the fifth seed. Matias is tall, with a decent first serve, and has an open stance forehand, which you rarely see at club level. But he has not been playing at a high enough standard. Logan has a somewhat unorthodox style of play, which is very effective. He can accurately whack ground strokes or serves, but also has other serves available, such as top slice.
Though he seemed to get to them, Matias struggled to return some of Logan’s harder shots, often putting the ball well wide. He had more success in just returning the ball deep, and winning rallies with drop shots, but it wasn’t enough. Although some of the games were closer than the game score might indicate, he won only one of his own service games, and that was it, for a 6-1 6-0 victory to Logan.

Next up for Logan is Mr Consistent – Peter Farrell, who got everything in the court which he could get his racket to, when he played me.