2017 2017 Tournament

Tournament Report, Sunday 16 July 2017

There was no rain today, so the scheduled matches went ahead smoothly.

Rather surprisingly, Ana beat Lesley South 6-0 6-1.

The eighth seed, Tim Simpson, beat Walter Reid 6-2 6-2.

Ed Fitzgerald beat Eugen Belin 6-1 6-1, and faces the fourth seed, Philip Reid next.

whdraw2017loganelenamoiralajos400x299The late evening’s entertainment consisted of a mixed doubles between Elena Valarche & Logan Mair, and Moira Duncan & Lajos Szucs.  Lajos apparently had not played mixed before.  The game was played in a spirit of fun rather then being deadly serious, and there were some entertaining rallies.  Lajos and Logan intercepted as much as they could, Elena hit some great volleys, and Moira played some exceptional cross-court service returns.  Elena and Logan just had the slight edge and took the match 6-4 6-3.

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